Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ACT UP/NY Will Protest Against Fiscal Cliff Budget Cuts In Washington

Follow today's actions in Washington, DC on Ustream :

Video streaming by Ustream

ACT UP/NY is planning a pre-World AIDS Day action in Washington, DC to prevent AIDS budget cuts. We will march with activists from other ACT UP chapters, V.O.C.A.L. New York, Housing Works, and Queerocracy demanding that Congress not touch AIDS/Healthcare spending.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Where is Occupy Going ?

Everybody wants to know where Occupy is heading. Why aren't they getting pepper sprayed on the news anymore?? Here's your answer. [more at LeeCamp.net]

Mark Sanchez Fumbles Lineman’s Rear End

On Thanksgiving Day, New York Jets Mark Sanchez fumbling after he ran directly into the rear end of guard Brandon Moore and fumbled, leading to a New England Patriots touchdown. LOLZ

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are NYPD Cyber Searching Political Blogs ?

NYPD continue to monitor peaceful activists in violation of the Handschu Agreement. In this latest case, NYPD officials are visiting this blog even though NYPD refuse to answer to a Freedom of Information request by the author of this blog.

Remember, this is on top of the fact that there have been allegations that Speaker Quinn has instructed the NYPD to use physical force against the author of this blog.

If Speaker Quinn can't find a way to violate due process by firing you, then she puts the NYPD on the case, to harass and cybermonitor you ?

2012 11 24 NYPD Cybermonitoring Louis Flores Handschu Agreement

Quinnipiac Poll : Lhota and Carrion Non-Starters

If the election were held today, MTA boss Joe Lhota would lose to the Democratic nominee 60% to 9%, according to the Quinnipiac University poll. Another potential Republican candidate, former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, would not fare much better than Lhota, the poll found: Carrion would lose 62% to 11% if he ran on the Republican ticket.

(Source : The New York Daily News)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Obama's First Drone Attack Policy

Since Barack Obama became President, there have been more than 300 drone strikes and some 2,500 people killed by the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. military, The New York Times has reported.

Supposedly, the Obama administration is "still pushing to make the rules formal and resolve internal uncertainty and disagreement" about when drone attacks are justified. Prior to his reƫlection, the Obama administration was in a rush to put together some kind of manual or standard operating procedure for drone attacks, to deflect criticism by liberals and progressives, of the Obama administration's reckless use of drone attacks.

Now that he has been safely reƫlected, there's no more pressure on the Obama administration to finalise the administration's first formal drone attack policy. For example, The Times reported that "Mr. Obama and his advisers are still debating whether remote-control killing should be a measure of last resort against imminent threats to the United States, or a more flexible tool, available to help allied governments attack their enemies or to prevent militants from controlling territory."

Will the Obama administration finally deliver a doctrine on its use of extra-judicial "remote-control killing" ?

Read also : The Long War Journal

2013 NYC Mayoral Dowry

In 2006, when she was elected to become Speaker of the New York City Council, Christine Quinn turned to help from Vito Lopez in Brooklyn, for the votes of Brooklyn councilmembers, in an effort to thwart Bill De Blasio, who (no surprise) failed in his campaign to become Speaker. Like then, Speaker Quinn is now turning to extending favours to Mr. Lopez. Only now, what is at stake is not the speakership, but the mayoralty.

Speaker Quinn needs to pump the political machine in Brooklyn for votes, because she has angered so many voters in her own City Council District over community-crushing development that is allowing New York University to overwhelm the special social fabric of Greenwich Village, that closed St. Vincent's Hospital, and that is going to destroy the character of Chelsea Market.

And, in exchange, Speaker Quinn is being suspected of delivering to Mr. Lopez a redistricted seat in Brooklyn, to give him a soft landing, once he gets kicked out of the New York State Assembly.

Facebook proposes to end voting on privacy issues

Mark Zuckerberg and other executives at Facebook are proposing to end the publicly-traded corporation's practice of letting users vote on changes to Facebook's privacy policies, though Facebook will still go through the motions and continue to let users comment on proposed updates, for now.

USA WikiLeaks CableGate Detainee Policies

Manual (SOP) for procedures for medical evaluation of detainees Iraq | http://wikileaks.org/detaineepolicies/doc/US-DoD-Detainee-In-Processing-TFM-115-SOP-2005-02-12.html

Manual (SOP) for detainee dispensary services, Iraq | http://wikileaks.org/detaineepolicies/doc/US-DoD-Detainee-Dispensary-Services-TFM-115-SOP-Draft-2005-02-12.html

Manual (SOP) for dental personnel, Iraq | http://wikileaks.org/detaineepolicies/doc/US-DoD-Detainee-Dental-Inprocessing-TFM-115-SOP-Draft-2005-02-12.html

Manual (SOP) for duties in event of detainee death, Iraq | http://wikileaks.org/detaineepolicies/doc/US-DoD-Detainee-Death-Policy-Draft-2005-02-12.html

Manual (SOP) for detainee assault or abuse reporting, Iraq | http://wikileaks.org/detaineepolicies/doc/US-DoD-Detainee-Assault-or-Abuse-Reporting-Policy-Draft-2005-02-12.html

Bangor, Maine News Anchors Cindy Michaels And Tony Consiglio Resign

During their 6 p.m. newscast last night, Bangor-based TV news anchors Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio resigned on air, citing, as the Bangor Daily News has described it, "a longstanding battle with upper management over journalistic practices at their Bangor TV stations."

Black Friday Mic Check at Maryland Walmart

From Occupy Wall Street :

According to the Organization United for Respect at Walmart, 1,000 protests occurred at Walmart stores across 46 states, with hundreds of workers walking off the job in an unprecedented decentralized, open-source strike at the retail giant.

David Tovar, the Vice President for Communications, spoke with Carol Costello from CNN on Tuesday, November 20, before the Black Friday actions took place across the nation.

Ray Kelly Stop And Frisk Awards Ceremony

Members of Stop Stop & Frisk, #OWS, and students at Columbia present NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly with the 2011 Bull Connor Award, for excellence in cracking down on people of color. At Columbia University's SIPA, Matthew Swaye thanks the world's top cop for the privileges his administration affords heterosexual white men.

Bull Connor was the Commissioner of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham, Alabama, during the American Civil Rights Movement. He took covert actions to enforce racial segregation and deny civil rights to African American citizens

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nobel Peace Laureates Slam The U.S. Over Bradley Manning Case

Nobel Peace Prize winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Northern Irish activist Mairead Maguire, and Argentine artists Adolfo PĆ©rez Esquivel have authored a statement to be published in an upcoming issue of The Nation that condemns the United States’ persecution of the 24-year-old Army private and implores the rest of America to question the country’s secretive torture of a soldier that the prize winners say defended democracy.

“As people who have worked for decades against the increased militarization of societies and for international cooperation to end war, we are deeply dismayed by the treatment of Pfc Bradley Manning,” the laureates write.

Left unaddressed by the Nobel laureates was why supposedly progressive, LGBT politicians, such as Christine Quinn, are questionably silent about the persecution of PFC Manning.

Read more : Nobel laureates slam the US over Bradley Manning case

Hurricane Sandy Occupy Thanksgiving Feast

Organisers at St. Mark's Church in the East Village were hosting a Thanksgiving feast for survivors of Hurricane Sandy.

Russian Lawsuit Against Madonna Is Dismissed


A Russian court rejected a $10 million lawsuit against Madonna on Thursday by a group of anti-gay activists who accused her hurting their feelings by promoting homosexuality at a St. Petersburg concert. Judge Vitaly Barkovsky did not explain his decision but also ruled the activists should compensate legal expenses to companies which organized Madonna's concert. The activists said they will appeal the court ruling. Homosexuality, punished with jail terms in the Soviet Union, was decriminalized in Russia in 1993, but much of the gay community remains underground as prejudice runs deep. (Reuters)

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