Thursday, June 14, 2018

Joe Crowley is not a fan of Bronx voters

Queens Against Crowley

Afraid of Bronx Voters:
Joe Crowley's Race Problem

Joe Crowley Once Hired a Lobbyist to Get Bronx Voters Out of His District

Hi there,

Congressman Joe Crowley claims to represent both Queens and the Bronx, but back in 2011 he tried to get Bronx voters removed from his district. According to one article, it was because that part of his distrist was heavily Latino, and this would make him vulerable to a primary challenge. The hiring of lobbyists, notably, those connected to the disgraced Sheldon Silver, showed Crowley's contempt for the Bronx.

Now, with an upcoming primary election on June 26th, Bronx voters have a chance to elect someone who actually wants to represent them.

Here is an excerpt from our recent post:

A recent tweet by journalist Ryan Grim revealed to many for the first time that, back in 2011, Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) hired a lobbyist to remove the Bronx from his Congressional district. The article Grim linked to explained that Crowley had concerns about that section of Bronx's demographic makeup, which is mainly Latino. Apparently, Crowley thought that such a dense concentration of People of Color would have made him vulnerable if he would ever have to face-off against a Latino challenger in the "democratic" primaries. Unfortunately for Crowley, that part of the Bronx remained within the 14th Congressional district, alongside large portions of Queens, some similarly with large minority populations, and while the two boroughs might be divided by the East River, this year, they are uniting against Crowley.

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On June 26th help elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bronx native, a candidate who will actually fight for Bronx residents.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

NYCHA Can Win This - Queens Against Crowley 2018

Queens Against Crowley

NYCHA Can Win This for Queens and the Bronx

With NYCHA in crisis, it's time to #FireBossCrowley

Hi there,

You might have read yesterday that the city settled a Federal probe into the mismanagement of NYCHA, yet no one was held accountable. For years federal funding to NYCHA has been dwindling, and corporate Democrats like Joe Crowley have avoided taking blame, even as they work to privatize affordable housing through Section 8. Please check out this excerpt from our recent article about how NYCHA residents could stop the games and get actual reform:

For decades corrupt politicians have completely ignored the needs of NYCHA. Everyone – from Rudolph Giuliani to Michael Bloomberg to Andrew Cuomo to Bill de Blasio to Joseph Crowley – has taken NYCHA residents for granted. Periodically, politicians have given a few crumbs to public housing residents, by fixing up a playground or putting in security cameras, and then counted on the votes of public housing residents come election time. Politicians show up to public events for photo-ops with after school programs, pretend to be on the side of working class and low-income families, and then they go and meet with lobbyists to pass legislation for Big Real Estate and Wall Street to exploit public assets for private profit.


Despite what the Democrats in power say, NYCHA is in a complete crisis. Just yesterday, a settlement was reached demanding that the city pay $2.2 billion dollars after a federal probe into lead paint issues, repairs backlogs, negligence, and more. This comes after former head of NYCHA, Shola Olatoye, stepped down for lying about her knowledge of false inspection certificates – where the agency knowingly and deliberately sat on information for months while thousands of families were exposed to lead paint. A crime for which probably no one has been held responsible.

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On June 26th help elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and defeat Joe Crowley, the Corrupt Queens Party Boss, to bring real reform to NYCHA.

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