Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Suzannah Troy Artist Interviewed by Silvia Sanza

Suzannah B. Troy NYC Round-up From Rudin Blood Condos to NYC Pensions, Mike Legacy In the Dumpster to Howard Rubenstein Mr. Fix It Busy Man Bill Rudin and The Rudin Family Blood Condos....they are billionaires and not rich enough so they need to have uber high priced luxury condos starting at 1 million dollars and Bill Rudin has amnesia about being quoted in The NY Times stating we need a hospital for the W. Village and to be a leading City in the world arena not a direct quote but he has his paid staff walk by and tell me how wonderful he is and that he is not responsible for a hospital or even owes us one. The community disagrees with Bill Rudin.

Rudin management tele. number is being handed out and folks are asking if Bill Rudin is a civil leader why isn’t he leading the call for a full service hospital in the W. Village?

I don’t have time to cut and paste links from today’s newspapers -- so if you want some updates on politics from Albany to City Hall plus dirt go here.

Here is an interview I just did with Silvia Sanza on her really cool blog which is a new blog on bartering to get what you need. The interview is political and Bill Rudin and Howard Rubenstein are mentioned in the article. Silvia Sanza is a beautiful SOUL, pure NYC and a talented artist, writer and activist. You can visit both her sites and learn more about this passionate woman and see her beautiful photos of New York City, her collages and assemblages and even look at fictional books she has had published. Check out Swap your Mama and Silvia thank you so much for such a wonderful time and a lively interview!

I have been blacked out by the media on behalf of Mike Bloomberg and pals. Howard, have any ideas how that happens, voices in opposition silenced.

Here is my 1st Interview

Thanks to Mr. NYC and the very talented artist, photographer Silvia Sanza....the photo posted with her interview of me is taken by her at a St. Vincent’s We need a hospital.

Occupy Wall Street joins St. Vincent’s We Need A Hospital protest!

At end of tube you hear me yell Hear That Rudin Family?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bill Rudin Gang Laugh at Us We Need Hospital Sales Offices 120 W 12t Street

Shame on Bill Rudin and his high priced suits and even his high priced public relations team!

Bill Rudin has billions but apparently that is not enough money for him so he has to make more billions with condos putting greed and stupidity ahead of the safety of the community.

A news reporter hoping to upload her interviews to NPR came and spent a lot of time interviewing us and she was the first to show up.

We appreciate and are grateful to everyone that did who up and the NYPD providing a barricade

Join us stand with us in us 20 minutes or 2 hours, stand with us in the middle of the block on 12th Street on the south side of the Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue. There is a police barricade set up for us. We are standing closer to 144 W 12th Street because of construction. Please come stand anytime you can!!! Thank you!

Bloomberg’s administration is infamous for a reckless Tsunami of Development on “old” New York’s infrastructure and the infrastructures like hospitals, open fire houses, no cuts to NYPD when in fact Bloomberg is cutting NYPD, paras in schools, etc.

We have more poverty and homelessness and what does Bill Rudin, a civic’s leader wannabe doing to help provide a FULL service hospital? Nothing.

Socialite, mega-millionaire, Amanda the People’s Burden the worst City Planner ever!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Small Protest Outside Rudin Sales Office 120 West 12th Str. Monday Tuesday etc.

Andrea Swalec broke the news story for DNAinfo that Rudin was opening sales office this Monday! Expect a protest Monday am -- starting small....with the hope to build to send a message to Bill Rudin and all the players that put greed before safety.

Kudos for DNAinfo for reporting the news mainstream media isn’t.

The goal is to build the number of protests and the hours...who knows down the road maybe Occupy Wall Street will join can only hope....

We need a hospital....this is again greed over the good of the community with the Rudin Family jumping on the NYU bandwagon putting greed before the safety and best interests of the community.

Rewind to the illegal air sale I fought by the USPS to NYU at 120 East 12th Street to NYU and USPS never notified the State of the air sale of historic St. Ann’s from 1847 which survived all these years everything but NYU’s need and greed to build yet another zone busting mega-dorm and now their pals The Rudin with voice box Mitchell Moss think they can steam roll over the needs of the community yet again and the community does know this is life or death far more dangerous than 2nd hand smoke but the Bloomberg administration terms 1 -3 continue to push a reckless Tsunami of Greed and Stupidity refusing to put safety 1st.

Amanda the People’s Burden is truly the worst city planner in NYC’s history giving illegal zone busting green lights to her wealthy pals including NYU, Cooper Union and supporting eminent domain abuse from Columbia University to the property in Brooklyn now owned by a Russian Billionaire.

Welcome to Bloomberg’s hideous “new” New York built on “old” NY’s infrastructure.

How do you push population growth and uber the top development and shutter hospitals around NYC, close fire houses and cut FDNY, NYPD, EMS and hundreds of paras in NYC school system mayor Bloomberg, Christine Quinn who acts as his deputy mayor and gets kick backs from development as well as socialite mega-millionaire Amanda Burden the Cathie Black of City Planning -- answer how do you green light all this reckless development on old NY’s infrastructure for your pals.

Christine Quinn’s answer is clearly found in whom donates to her mayoral run...and that is greedy corrupt entities involved in real estate as well as Wall Street Bail Out money.


Why Bill Rudin, the commissioner from the State Health Dept , mayor Bloomberg as well as Christine Quinn seem unable to comprehend pushing development without infrastructures including a full service hospital is a very dangerous game.

I understand Quinn has received generous campaign donations from Rudin so like Bloomberg she will get the same message Mike Bloomberg got via the voting booths.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Google Blogger YouTube Censorship: Is This China or NYC - how Activists critical of Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are Banned by Suzannah Troy Artist

Read the press release above to learn how yet another New York Political Activist has been removed from Google’s blogger and or YouTubeland yet again!

Write asap and demand they return Louis Flores’s blogs!!! Ask all friends and enemies to write as well. Is this China or the USA?

Louis’s last post was pointing out Christine Quinn was on reminding the People Christine Quinn signed off on the requirement that protestors need a permit for a crowd over 50 people.

Click on the link above and you will read this...

This morning’s censorship followed just hours after Mr. Flores published a controversial blog post on the Christine Quinn Sold Out blog, which traced back to New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn the problems that the #OccupyWallStreet social movement have been having with protest permits. Note that the Christine Quinn Sold Out blog and the controversial post ( have also been temporarily removed/deäctivated by Google’s Blogger service.

Note this Christine Quinn blog was removed but has been returned but No Third Term and other blogs listed in the press release above remain removed. Below a sample of Louis Flores work...

Thanks again to famed Civil Rights lawyer, Louis Flores, Queens Crap and everyone that took the time to write Google on my behalf to demand my YouTube channel highly critical of Bloomberg be restored. The last YouTube I has posted before being removed was highly critical of David Yassky for aiding and abetting Bloomberg in pushing through an illegal third term denying voters a referendum.

Note: Gary Tilzer’s blog True News from Change was removed as well -- I remember it was on a Sunday and Louis Flores and I worked our guts out all day to get his blog returned to him.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Anonymous Targets Fox News

Citizens of the world and the Internet :

We are Anonymous. Fox News is now the target of Anonymous because of their continued propaganda against the Occupations. Those such as Sean Hannity are attacking the credentials as well as the character of the Occupiers at Wall Street, and this can no longer be allowed. Anonymous introduces Operation Fox Hunt. Anonymous intends on destroying the Fox News website because their continued right-wing conservative propaganda can no longer be tolerated. They use words such as filthy, disgusting and dirty to describe the protesters. Since they will not stop belittling the Occupiers, we will shut them down. On November 5th, we ask those who are able to commence attacks on Fox News. Anonymous will not only shut down Fox News, we will also engage in a propaganda campaign of our own to show them how it feels to be chastized. Fox News, your time has come. Operation Fox Hunt: November 5th, may the hunt begin.
Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Updates Occupy Wall St. Staying...Read NY Pensions Bloomberg Murdoch Hatchet Job

Occupy Wall Streeters did not get evicted tonight despite having their generators removed to makes this blizzard even harder to endure but Rupert Murdoch not an official ruler oops NYC gov official along with recently deposed king of New York Mike Bloomberg did evict John Liu from any power and control....the death blows were prepared with attacks from The NY Times 1st on campaign laws allegedly broken by John Liu rumored to be done in Rudy style and than came the double hatchet Bloomberg Murdoch death blows payback for Liu exposing Mike Bloomberg as the most corrupt inept mayor shutting down The Tax Payer’s Titanic CityTime and ECTP aka CityTime 2 but Rupert Murdoch wanted to shut Liu out because of Liu controlled 95 million dollars in stock of the NY Pensions in News Corp and demanded Murdoch’s ouster because of the phone hacking scandals which I found in Gawker article. You do have to click on all my links like a cracker jack boxes until you get to the Gawker article and The NY Times article on Liu shutting Murdoch out of a 27 million dollar deal with NYC gov board of ed schools and Rupe’s Wireless Generation.....

so instead of pension reform in the 1st term we get it now to keep the 1 percenters in charge of pensions so they can exploit rob raid the NY Pensions worth mega billions -- oops I meant to say manage them.

Is Steve Rattner going to advise Mike on the pensions or is being banned by the SEC for pay to play NY Pensions enough of a message it is a conflict of interest? How about Goldman Sachs who did an awful job handling the FDNY and NYPD’s pensions. Mayor Mike Bloomberg more than bungled CityTime, pushed SAIC like cocaine at a Hollywood party and allowed ECTP to balloon over 2 Billion dollars and it is still a mess, he did a lousy job two terms with pensions but now cutting out John Liu the only comptroller to shut down massive white collar crime fraud and tax payer abuse out is going to some how help when they combine all the pensions or even a big revolving door for abuse?