Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bigot Bell - Episode 2

Bigot Bell - Episode 2 - Failure of Adequate Protections

The LGBTQ civil rights group Connecting Rainbows has announced a world-wide boycott of Yum! Brands restaurants following a case of alleged employment discrimination against a member of Connecting Rainbows.

In April 2011, Jason Smith, an openly gay employee of Taco Bell in Louisiana, who is a member of Connecting Rainbows, was dismissed from his job, after another employee made a threat against Mr. Smith based on his sexual orientation. A Taco Bell manager witnessed the threat. After Mr. Smith was dismissed, Taco Bell conditioned Mr. Smith’s return to his job only after Mr. Smith deleted each of his Facebook profile and the entire website of Connecting Rainbows, the former which Mr. Smith refused, and the latter over which Mr. Smith has no control. Connecting Rainbows is a democratic collective of LGBTQ activists and allies, with no hierarchy.

To read more about the incident, please read Mr. Smith’s own description of the events on Connecting Rainbows website.

Connecting Rainbows is outraged by this discriminatory treatment and has launched a parody campaign that lampoons Taco Bell for its apparent bigotry.

To spread word of the injustice that Mr. Smith has suffered, members of Connecting Rainbows launched a petition on, to publicise Mr. Smith’s plight.

Connecting Rainbows demands that :

  • Yum! Brands restaurants apologize to Jason and the LGBT community;
  • Rehire Mr. Smith and provide a hostile-free work environment, or compensate Jason for his loss of income and other damages; and
  • Provide diversity and cultural competency training to every employee -- worldwide!

Connecting Rainbows also demands legislative remedies :

  • Connecting Rainbows demands that Congress amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include ‘’sexual orientation’’ and ‘’gender identity’’ to the major forms of discrimination that are outlawed ; and
  • Connecting Rainbows also demands that federal legislators pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (''ENDA''). ENDA is routinely introduced in Congress, but never passed. It is time for Congress to prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Connecting Rainbows is a group of active people organizing civil rights walks and other actions in America. The group’s mission is to create a mass movement, demanding full civil rights for LGBT Americans. Connecting Rainbows uses the power of a social media platform, where people create online profiles, meet others, plan events, join groups, blog, and participate in online forums.

Visit : or

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bigot Bell - Episode 1 - We Have a Problem

Connecting Rainbows Members Launch Parody YouTube Campaign Against Taco Bell

The LGBTQ civil rights group Connecting Rainbows has announced a world-wide boycott of Yum! Brands restaurants following a case of alleged employment discrimination against a member of Connecting Rainbows.

In April 2011, Jason Smith, an openly gay employee of Taco Bell in Louisiana, who is a member of Connecting Rainbows, was dismissed from his job, after another employee made a threat against Mr. Smith based on his sexual orientation. A Taco Bell manager witnessed the threat. After Mr. Smith was dismissed, Taco Bell conditioned Mr. Smith’s return to his job only after Mr. Smith deleted each of his Facebook profile and the entire website of Connecting Rainbows, the former which Mr. Smith refused, and the latter over which Mr. Smith has no control. Connecting Rainbows is a democratic collective of LGBTQ activists and allies, with no hierarchy.

To read more about the incident, please read Mr. Smith’s own description of the events on Connecting Rainbows website.

Connecting Rainbows is outraged by this discriminatory treatment and has launched a parody campaign that lampoons Taco Bell for its apparent bigotry.

To spread word of the injustice that Mr. Smith has suffered, members of Connecting Rainbows launched a petition on, to publicise Mr. Smith’s plight.

Connecting Rainbows demands that :

  • Yum! Brands restaurants apologize to Jason and the LGBT community;
  • Rehire Mr. Smith and provide a hostile-free work environment, or compensate Jason for his loss of income and other damages; and
  • Provide diversity and cultural competency training to every employee -- worldwide!

Connecting Rainbows also demands legislative remedies :

  • Connecting Rainbows demands that Congress amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include ‘’sexual orientation’’ and ‘’gender identity’’ to the major forms of discrimination that are outlawed ; and
  • Connecting Rainbows also demands that federal legislators pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (''ENDA''). ENDA is routinely introduced in Congress, but never passed. It is time for Congress to prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Connecting Rainbows is a group of active people organizing civil rights walks and other actions in America. The group’s mission is to create a mass movement, demanding full civil rights for LGBT Americans. Connecting Rainbows uses the power of a social media platform, where people create online profiles, meet others, plan events, join groups, blog, and participate in online forums.

Visit : or

Sunday, March 6, 2011

St. Pat's For All 2011 Parade - Remembering Robert Rygor

St. Pat's For All 2011 Parade - Remembering Robert Rygor

Robert Rygor was a gay man from New York City. He dedicated his life for LGBT equality, dignity, and pride. He was also a tireless advocate of safe sex, and, as a member of ACT-UP, he was an advocate on behalf of AIDS patients. Beginning in 1978, Robert also fought for LGBT inclusion in the St. Patrick's Day Parade that makes it way down Fifth Avenue.

In this video, I spoke with Brendan Fay following the St. Pat's For All 2011 parade in Woodside, Queens. Mr. Fay shared some memories of Mr. Rygor.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bloomberg AIDS Protesters Arrested

People with AIDS under attack. What do we do ? Act up, fight back !

Nine protesters were arrested during the morning of December 1 for blocking traffic outside Mayor Michael Bloomberg's World AIDS Day Bagel Breakfast at the Brooklyn Public Library, reported The New York Times.

World AIDS Day Bloomberg Bagel Boycott Protest from Housing Works on Vimeo.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Waiting for Sen. Gillibrand's Leadership on LGBT Civil Rights

American Equality Bill Message to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and to all LGBT People and Allies

Our message to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand : file the American Equality Bill to add ''sexual orientation and gender identity'' to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. File it today -- so we can start organizing to pass it tomorrow.

Call Sen. Gillibrand. Ask her to introduce the American Equality Bill. The American Equality Bill will add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil Rights Act. Call : 1 (212) 688-6262.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Belgrade Pride Parade Solidarity Video Draws Gay Bashing Comments

YouTube Video about New York LGBT Demonstration at the Serbian Mission Triggers Degrading, Threatening Comments

Over the last 48 hours, YouTube users have been posting harassing comments on the video about the LGBT demonstration at the Serbian Mission in New York City in support of today's Belgrade Pride Parade.

Based on these comments and sentiments, it is no wonder why there are constant reports about hate crimes, bias attacks, bullying treatment, and violent threats and injuries made against gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and transgenders -- as well as against LGBT events, like the Parada Ponosa 2010 (the ''Belgrade Pride Parade'').

Here are some recent examples :

dead gay is good gay

  • fuck off americans... i hope that bin laden will sucses to enter with nuclear bomb and fucking kill half of new york next time
  • SERBIA!!!!!!!!!!
  • Stay the fuck out of serbia you bunch of freaks, no1 made you the police of the world... Why do you have to butt in everywhere? Gays in Serbia are not discriminated against as long as they do what they do behind their 4 walls. Stop trying to force your stupid morals on us...
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Here are some earlier examples :

Nobody would give a damn about queers if they weren't so fucking annoyingly neurotic and screechy. They insist on whining in everybody's face about how tough their lives are. Nobody cares about your dirty habits. Just keep them to yourselves.
And it is nothing to be ''proud'' of that you enjoy being a queer. What has ''pride'' got to do with where you like putting your cock?
The notion is fucking ridiculous.

Fat fuck doesn't even know what's going on. The gay pride march in Belgrade went uninterupted and was protected by 6000 police officers. The rioters didn't manage to break through the police barricades. So now go back to your own fucking problems you moron and stop protesting against things you know nothing about in countries you couldn't point out in a map.

why the fuck do american faggots care what's going on in serbia, you have enough problems in your own country

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keep your faggot agenda out of serbia

Go fuck youself!

The above are an example of some of the hateful comments I've been getting. I've flagged, blocked, deleted, and reported other comments.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Die-In at Grand Central Station - End Homophobia and Bullying

LGBT activists gathered at Grand Central Station on Friday night, at 6 p.m., for a Flashmob demonstration called a ''Die-In.'' At the sound of the whistle, activists dropped to the floor in a demonstration of death -- to symbolise the rash of recent bullying, torture, suicides, and murders of LGBT Americans.

Although the demonstration was meant to be peaceful, the Bloomberg administration dispatched teams of NYPD and other security. Cops were seen carrying riot gear, such as plastic hand cuffs, in case they chose to make indiscriminate mass arrests, like they did during the Republican National Convention in 2004.